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Cinsiyet Ayr1nt1s1nda Sat1_lar: Ortak: Bir konutun bir ya da birden fazla kad1n ve erkek taraf1ndan ortakla_a olarak sat1n al1nd11n1 ifade etmektedir. Dier: Kad1n, erkek ve ortak sat1n alanlar d1_1nda kalan dier (tzel ve yabanc1) konut sat1_lar1n1 ifade etmektedir. Kapsam: 2008-2012 y1llar1 aras1nda il merkezleri ve merkez ilelerde sat1_a konu olan konutlar il dzeyinde eyreklik dnemler itibariyle yay1mlanm1_t1r. 2013 y1l1ndan itibaren tm yerle_im yerlerini ierecek _ekilde il dzeyinde ayl1k veri yay1mlanmaya ba_lanm1_t1r. Daha nce, nfusu 150 bin ve zeri olan ile verileri yay1mlan1rken, 2022 y1l1 ile birlikte, y1l iinde her hangi bir ayda toplam konut sat1_ say1s1 20 ve zeri olan ileler de kapsama al1nm1_ ve geriye dnk olarak bu veriler 2015 y1l1ndan itibaren  HYPERLINK "https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr/medas/?kn=73&locale=tr" \t "_blank" Konut Sat1_ 0statistikleri veritaban1nda yay1mlanm1_t1r. Yabanc1lara yap1lan konut sat1_ verileri, ilk 10 ili kapsayacak biimde yay1mlanmaktad1r. lke uyruklar1na gre konut sat1_ verileri, ilk 20 uyruu kapsayacak biimde yay1mlanmaktad1r. lke uyruklar1na gre konut sat1_ say1lar1, farkl1 uyruklar1n ayn1 evi alabilmesinden dolay1 yabanc1lara yap1lan toplam sat1_tan daha yksek 1kabilmektedir. Trkiye de sat1_a konu olan konutlar, edinme sebepleri ayr1nt1s1nda dikkate al1nm1_t1r. Konut edinme sebepleri olarak; 1. Sat1_ 2. 0potekli sat1_ 3. Kat kar_1l11 temlik 4. Kat mlkiyetli / kat irtifakl1 ta_1nmazlarda ana gayrimenkule _uyulanan hissenin sat1_1 5. Mahkeme karar1 ile sat1_ 6. Sat1_ suretiyle pay temlii 7. Vesayet alt1ndaki ki_ilerin mallar1n1n tasarrufu 8. 1plak mlkiyet sat1_1 ve 3. ki_iye intifa devri 9. 0ntifa hakk1n1 zerinde tutarak 1plak mlkiyet sat1_1 10. 0_tirak ve payl1 mlkiyette i_tirakliye sat1_ i_lemleri kapsama dahil edilmi_tir. Ki_iden ki_iye, ki_iden kuruma, kurumdan ki_iye ve kurumdan kuruma yap1lan tm konut el dei_tirme i_lemleri de parasal bir i_lemin yap1lm1_ olmas1 durumunda kapsama al1nm1_t1r. 0potekli sat1_ d1_1ndaki dier konut edinme sebepleri, dier sat1_ olarak s1n1fland1r1lmaktad1r. Mortgaged Sale: Mortgaged sales are demonstrating the same house as collateral to loan guarantee for houses purchased by borrowing. Other Sale: Including all house sales except mortgaged sales. First Hand Sale: First sale is the first time sale of a house by the company or person which took ownership by apartments/sharing access by apartments. Second Hand Sale: Second hand sale means that a house sold by an owner that has bought the house by first sale, to another person. House Sales to Foreigners: Covers the sales to the people that are defined as foreigner, non-Turkish originated and not subjected to law number 4112 in the database of General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre, Turkeys National Geographic Information System (TUCBS), people that. Sales in Detail of Genders: Joint Ownership: Indicates that a house is bought jointly by one or more than one woman and man. Other: Refers to the house sales(corporate and foreign) other than those done by women and men individually or jointly. Scope: All province centers and center districts in Turkey were covered for 2008-2012. From 2013, all settlement areas in Turkey have been covered. While previously published data for districts with a population of 150 thousand and above, with 2022, districts with a total number of house sales of 20 or more in any month during the year were also included in the scope, and these data were published in the  HYPERLINK "https://biruni.tuik.gov.tr/medas/?kn=73&locale=en" House Sale Statistics database since 2015, retrospectively. Data of house sales to foreigners are published in a way to cover the first 10 provinces. Data of house sales to foreigners by nationalities are published to cover the first 20 nationalities. House sales to foreigners by nationalities are higher than the total house sales to foreigners because different nationalities may buy the same houses. In Turkey, houses intended for sale in the details of the house acquisition reasons. As the house acquisition reasons, transactions regarding; 1.Selling 2.Mortgaged sale 3.Assignment of counterpart by apartment 4.Selling of added stock to the main real estate in the ownership by apartments / sharing access by apartments 5.Selling with court rule 6.Assignment by stock through selling 7.Tenure of wards properties 8.Selling of simple ownership and third party beneficial occupancy turnover 9.Selling of simple ownership while keeping usufruct 10.Selling to the participatory in joint and stock real estate are included. All of the sales from person to establishment, from establishment to person, from person to person and from establishment to establishment are included if there are any monetary transaction realized. Other reasons for house acquisition reasons other than mortgaged sale are classified as other sale.Dnem  PeriodicityAyl1k MontlyZamanl1l1k TimelinessReferans periyodu ile verinin yay1mlanmas1 aras1ndaki sre t+20 gndr.Time between the reference and the publication period is t+20 days. Kamuoyunun Bilgiye Ula_mas1 Access by the PublicTrke English HYPERLINK "http://dsbb.imf.org/Applications/web/basepagearcreport?strcode=TUR&strcat=POP00"Yay1mlama  Advance dissemination of release calendarKonut sat1_ istatistikleri haber blteni ayl1k dnemler itibari ile il dzeyinde yay1mlanmaktad1r. 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